Although we have a lot to make up for, some recent developments may provide just the content we need to generate more posts. One of the ideas that has been percolating in my mind since Maven's inception is the idea of allowing the player to jump. But 2D games make it difficult to enable such an action. So here is the bottom-line: Maven is going 3D. In this post, I would like to talk a little bit about 1) where we came from, 2) why we wanted new features, 3) what options we considered, and 4) how we implemented our system. However, writing this blog post has shown that this outline will need to span multiple posts.
Part 1: Where We Came From
When I decided to get into game development, I had no idea what kind of games were even possible to make, since I had no experience with programming at the time. Fortunately, I did not try to go the route of full 3D game development, because that would have been difficult. So instead, I wound up pursuing 2D game development.